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Joining help
Thanks for staying with us. We know your time is valuable. There
are some issues with individual computer settings and filters that we have
no control over so this should help you isolate them if the following key
points are not working for you scroll way on down for step by step assistance.
Enter your e-mail address and your password you want to use.
Check your e-mail.
Reply to the first e-mail you receive and hit "Send".
Check your e-mail again.
Click link in the second e-mail you receive while you are at the same computer
you started with and within 24 hours.
Enter your free listing.
Congratulations! You joined as a free Basic member and can now upgrade to
Premium or Standard membership if you wish.
If you need more help let's take it step by step:
a. You started at join and entered your e-mail
address. Did you receive the first e-mail? Yes, click Yes to go to b. No, here are places to look:
There may be an error in the address you entered. E-mail addresses have
an "@" in them and do not begin with "www." and AOL, users
need to add ".com" after the "aol" to make it "".
That's at A oh L dot com y'all with no www dot stuff in front.
Your mailbox my be full or over quota so read and empty.
Your Internet service provider or company administrator may have filters
blocking addresses they do not recognize. Please allow e-mail from anything
with the address from You may have a spam filter
on your computer blocking it.
Part of the Internet may be down temporarily for maintenance.
Some of the web based e-mail providers cancel you if you don't use their
system within a specified time like a month. Have you sent and received mail
recently from others using this address?
Your mail system may be slow. All e-mail is delivered from our system to
the Internet within seconds. Arrival time to you may vary from ten seconds
to a few hours. Testing on my friend's "most popular" it took about
90 minutes per e-mail for arrival. We have been receiving e-mail on our cable
modem within fifteen seconds so our system delivers to the Internet and then
to us fast. Delivery to you may take longer depending on your system.
b. You received the first e-mail. You hit "Reply"
and "Send." Did you receive the second e-mail? Yes, click Yes to go to c. No, here are places to look:
There may be a spam filter on your computer or on your company
system if you are at work or it may be at your internet service provider.
Please allow e-mail from anything with the address from
The second e-mail has the word "autoresponder" added which may trigger
the filter.
c. You received the second e-mail. You did not
hit "Reply" and "Send." but clicked the link in the e-mail
that ended with "join2.php." Did you see the error message
"Unable to add data to [email] table:Query was empty[1065] Choose reload
or refresh on you browser and try again". Yes, click Yes to go to d. No, you should be all set if you
did the following:
Clicking the link in the e-mail took you back to our website. Next you were
asked to enter a free listing (hunters included). You picked a country and
state, entered your listing and hit the button at the bottom. You saw your
main page with expiration date, your listing and a place to search and a way
to upgrade your membership if you wish.
d. You saw the error message "Unable to add data
to [email] table:Query was empty[1065] Choose reload or refresh on you browser
and try again". Did you hit "Refresh" or "Reload"
and still see the error? Yes, click Yes to go to e. No, if you did not see the error
after clicking "Refresh" or "Reload" then you:
Went back to our website. Next you were asked to enter a free listing (hunters
included). You picked a country and state, entered your listing and hit the
button at the bottom. You saw your main page with expiration date, your listing
and a place to search and a way to upgrade your membership if you wish.
e. When you hit "Refresh" or "Reload" you
still got the error. The issue is either switching computers, 24 hour timeout,
or cookies not enabled follows:
Entering your address on one computer then clicking the link in the second
e-mail from another computer would generate the error because the cookie would
not be found. After joining is complete you may use any computer where cookies
are enabled.
When joining, you have a little less than 24 hours from the time you enter
your email address until you click the link down in the second e-mail. We
don't want a bunch of e-mail addresses hanging around in our system so the
cookie has a 24 hour time limit.
If you had to enter your e-mail address and password on every page in the
members area it would get old so we use cookies. Please set you preferences
and security to allow cookies. Consider cookies like a name badge to get you
in restricted areas at work. We use them only to identify your membership
level and type of member. See our privacy
statement if you have concerns.
After resolving one of the above please start again. Here is
a Shortcut:
Find the second email with the link in it. Now go to our front
door hit join and enter your e-mail address again. Don't wait for
any e-mail. Refer back to the second e-mail and click the link down in
The same error message might be pulled from the cache on you computer
for speed if you attempted to join or joined between September 27, 2003
and February 9, 2004. After that we prevented the page from going into
your cache but did not remove it if already in your cache.. If you see
the error after joining again, while looking at the error, hold down the
"Ctrl" key and click "Refresh" or "Reload"
with your mouse.
To join and get you started finding hunters or finding a place to
hunt instantly, please see if your situation is covered here before you contact
us. Then if you still need help please contact us.