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The beginning: "Hey Dad, I want you to be a partner in a website" started it all in 1998. The father and son team of native Texan hunters knew that finding a good place to hunt was labor intensive so the task began of finding an easy way to match hunting opportunities with hunters. Recognizing the internet could be a useful tool for finding hunters for Texas landowners and guides, the first version of Texas Hunting Lease .com was launched in 1999. For the technically inclined, the first month the site was run on a 486 computer in a bedroom with a 28.8 dialup conection that had to be reconnected every four hours. That computer had a clock speed of 53 thus the word "slow" took on new meaning. The next month a web host that offerered cgi-bin with serious machines and connections was found.
Privacy was paramont then and it remains so today. Texas Hunting was the first hunting website to match hunters with hunting oportunities without displaying your name, phone number, email address or other contact information that might compromise your privacy. Years later, we are not aware of any other hunting site that offers this protection.
The auto-notification feature was added in 2000 as a time saving and efficient tool.
A third level of membership was added in 2002 to provide more choices and six month membership terms were set to keep the information current.
Growth was phenominal in 2002 and program resorces were stretched to the limit.
In 2003 the growing pains were met by creating new pages and better flow to make the site more user-friendly along with a new relational database using a new scripting language to process your requests. The only things not changed were your data, the name (Texas Hunting and the concept of matching while retaining your privacy. Even the logo changed. Every page, program, and database were replaced with the best available. Version 4.0 was launched September 27, 2003.
About Texas Hunting
This site allows landowners and guides to post free listings for
guided, semi-guided or packaged hunts, day leases, season leases, yearly leases
or bow hunts. Hunters may search these listings for free. Hunters must also
post free (want ad type) listings so landowners and guides may search for hunters.
No personal information is shown to the world. Searching the listings of other
members is free to the Basic members of our hunting club. Standard and Premium
members can inquire about the listings via e-mail. You must enter a free listing
and have an e-mail address reachable from our automated system before you can
see the listings. Basic membership is free of course. Once you are a Basic member
you can check out the many benefits when you choose to upgrade to a Standard
member or to a Premium member.
To be "The" site of choice to match hunters, landowners
and guides for hunting in Texas.
Our Method:
To provide interactive, real time, search and contact capability
for deer, quail, duck, dove, pheasant, turkey, geese, hog, javelina, exotics,
and antelope hunting while maintaining your privacy. There is even a place for
The data is updated the instant you enter information. Some addresses may have up to twenty listings if they are premium members. Property listings may come and go rapidly due to the number of contacts they receive from members.
Texas Hunting Lease is dedicated to helping hunters find places to hunt in the Great State of Texas. Equally important, Texas Hunting Lease assists landowners, guides, and outfitters in finding good hunting customers from all over the world. As we all know, approximately 97% of all land in Texas is private property. With all that land out there, one would think that finding a place to hunt would be easy. However, we know many hunters who have spent the off season trying to find a new hunting lease. In many cases going fishing would have been more productive.
Let Texas Hunting Lease advertise your needs for FREE. Until now a hunter could easily spend every spring and summer weekend looking for a hunting lease by searching the want ads, asking all his hunting buddies for leads, and begging everyone he knows for tips in finding a good lease. If the hunter relies on commercial advertising, he/she usually only finds the top quality outfitters with the budget to support advertising. Until now, a hunter's best source for information about excellent to average properties in his area was by word of mouth. If you are searching for whitetail deer hunting only, or other wildlife, a combination of hunting and fishing on hunting ranches or if you want to check out hunting leases or hunting guides Texas Hunting Lease is the place for you!
From the landowner's, outfitter's and guide's perspective, many don't have the time, money, and inclination to find quality hunters for their properties. This causes many landowners to settle for lower prices for the lease rights or not leasing at all because of the related difficulties in the process. Now landowners can search for hunters wanting season and packaged hunts on their ranches. Just want bow hunters for property better suited for bow hunts? No problem. Landowners, outfitters, and guides, Texas Hunting Lease is for you too!
We provide search capabilities to find leases by region, county, game, acreage, and type of hunt. Game to hunt include white-tail deer, mule deer, duck, geese, turkey, quail, mourning dove, white-winged dove, pheasant, feral hogs, javelina, antelope and exotics. Types of hunt searches include guided, semi guided and packaged hunts, day hunts, yearly leases, season leases and bowhunts. When you find what you are looking for in Texas Hunting Lease, you may Contact whomever placed the listing. A Contact will send an automated e-mail message to both the listing individual and to you with the other's e-mail address. Then you get additional information from each other without a middleman.
Your privacy is very important to us. Texas Hunting Lease only enters your e-mail address and it is not shown to the world on your FREE listing. We have no way to associate your e-mail address with your name, address, 'phone, fax nor do we have any other way to determine who you are. We do not want any personal information except we must have a way to contact you and for you to contact a matched party. Texas Hunting lease is neither a buyer's agent nor a seller's agent nor any agent. We just put your hunting information on the internet and let you work out your own agreement with the other party.